18 Best SeaWorld Orlando Tips That You Can't Miss
In this guide, we will cover our best tips for SeaWorld Orlando to ensure that you arrive to the park extremely prepared, and know all of the 'hacks' to maximize your time and money.
1. Invest in a Quick Queue Pass
Wasting hours in line for a ride is no way to spend your day.
Quick Queue passes allow you to skip the regular lines, by using a faster Quick Queue line, and head right to the front of the line at some of the most popular attractions.

They're an additional cost, but extremely worth it.
When you purchase one of these passes, you'll be able to save time, but you'll also want to keep an eye out for signs that will point you to separate lines to be able to get to the rides faster.
Rides included with Quick Queue
- Mako
- Manta
- Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin
- Journey to Atlantis
- Wild Arctic
- Ice Breaker
- Infinity Falls
2. Know the Parking Options

There are four types of parking options available at SeaWorld Orlando (we'll cover the first two in this article):
- General Parking
- Preferred Parking
- VIP Parking
- RV Parking
General Parking is going to be your most basic and cheapest option when parking at SeaWorld Orlando.
General Parking simply allows you to park your vehicle in the park, at no specific spot.

Preferred Parking will provide you access to park closer to the entrance of the park, at a higher cost than general parking.

The main reason why visitors purchase Preferred Parking is to ensure that they aren't parked all the way at the back, on the busier days.
If you're planning to arrive hours after the park opens, you'll want to consider purchasing Preferred Parking.
Preferred Parking prices change daily and can range from $45-$60.
3. Invest in a Locker

The days of having to pay for separate individual lockers every time that you want to ride a different ride are over.
Multi-use lockers are designed for storing your belongings for multiple rides.
This means you'll be able to store your stuff in locker 1, ride the ride, then pull your belongings out, store them in locker 2 and repeat.

The storing process is pretty straightforward, you'll create a code in order to move through different locker locations.
Then you'll have a 4 digit code to actually open the locker.

Make sure that you take notes of these codes in your notes app, or write it down somewhere.
If you lose or forget your codes, you'll have to track down a staff attendant, provide the locker number and let him know what belongings were in your locker along with a photo identification (once the locker is opened by the staff attendant) to retrieve your items.
- A normal single use locker costs $2.
- A multi use locker costs $10.
4. Know What the Best Rides at the Park Are
Some of the best rides in the country can be found at SeaWorld Orlando.
Reaching speeds of 73 miles per hour, heights of 200 feet, insanely sharp drops, and a seatbelt that's only around your waist.. Mako is by far the scariest coaster in all of SeaWorld Orlando.
When you exit the rider loading station, you'll immediately see how high you're going to climb.
However unlike other rides, there's not a slow build up as you climb the massive hill very quickly.
Once you reach the top, hold on tightly as it'll feel like you're flying out of your seat on every drop, for the duration of the ride.
5. Know About Sesame Street Land

Visiting with children?
Sesame Street is the newest area at the park which is specifically designed for toddlers, children, and families.

Every single ride, street, and building is strategically designed around Sesame Street, and for all visitors to feel welcome.
This is an ultra-popular area at the park, as parents can bond with their children, around other families in very fun (and safe) rides.

Additionally there's food & drinks available, which makes this area a perfect place to spend several hours in.

6. Know About the Rider Switch System
There is a child swap system that is extremely convenient for guests, as parents can take turns on a ride rather than waiting in line twice.
How it Works
Parents who are visiting with children (whose kids do not meet the height requirement for the ride) can take turns being able to experience the ride.
One adults get in to ride, while the other adult 'sits on the sidelines' with the child, on the 'exit side' of the ride.
When the ride is finished, the adults switch places, and now the other adult (who was originally sitting out) is riding the ride, and the other adult is sitting out with the child.
This solves a huge problem, which back in the day only one parent could ride, and then they would have to get off of the ride, all the way to the back of the line and wait to ride again.
The best part of all of this is the staff is very familiar with this process and they make it a seamless process.
They typically direct the families/adults on when to go and where exactly to go to prevent confusion and keep the rides moving smoothly.
7. Don't Pay Full Price
When you purchase with us, you can Save $30+ per ticket, and you'll also be able to skip the line by going straight to the gate.
Authorized Theme Park Ticket Reseller page
You can learn more about our process and how we're able to do this through our8. Visit the Mime
Sea Lion High: The New Class show has a mime that performs and entertains the guests before the show begins.
The comedic mime has a special talent as he 'messes' with visitors that are entering the stadium (all without saying a word of course) and he is constantly moving around, so make sure you keep your eye on him!
You'll want to ensure that you arrive early to this show, as he often is received with cheers by the fans as soon as he makes his appearance.
9. Arrive Early or Get in a Little Later
When it comes to popular roller coasters such as Mako, Kraken & Manta, the lines can become long very quickly.

The best way to avoid the lines are by arriving early to the park (when they open), or just swinging by the ride later on in the day.
Later in the day park-goers naturally are a bit more tired, and are less inclined to wait in long lines after being in the park the entire day.
10. Make Sure That You Have the Weather App on Your Phone
Florida weather can change at any moment.
It can be sunny one minute, and then sunny and raining the next.
How does that make any sense?
It doesn't!
But you still need to be prepared.
Ensure that you have a weather app on your phone and make sure that you're checking it periodically throughout the day.
During the summer in Florida, there are usually rain showers in the afternoon in the 1pm-3pm range that occurs like clockwork, no matter what the weather is on that day.
11. Have a Poncho Handy
Remember that tip about the weather? Well this tip goes hand in hand with it.
Invest in a cheap poncho ahead of time, you can find different styled ones on Amazon and it will be cheaper than purchasing ponchos at the park.
This isn't just for the weather however.
Rides such as Journey to Atlantis and Infinity Falls are some rides that you can get soaked in. If you're planning on riding these, make sure you're prepared.
12. Visit the Aquarium
There are some hidden gems around the park that are in Aquarium form. Some aquariums such as the Jewel of the Sea are a very unique sight to see whether you're waiting on riders, or even if you just finished riding.
It's a dark lit room with different glass windows where you can be inches of different marine life including jellyfish, clownfish, royal blue tang (dory) and more.
13. Have an Idea of Show Times Around the Park
Shows are often packed with large amounts of people which means when the show ends they all exit at the same time.

Why Should You Care?
All rides and restaurants near the show will mostly be swarmed with people for the next 30 minutes, and the lines will be extra long.

For example, if the SeaLion & Otter Spotlight show has just concluded at 12 pm...
You'll want to avoid that area for a while and plan on other rides/foods in the meantime, and then come back to that area afterwards.
14. Grab a Park Map
You can pick up a physical park map at the entrance of the park, or you can use an interactive map on the SeaWorld app.
Using a park map is very important as you can plan out which rides and shows to take advantage of while you're in the area.
SeaWorld has recently added a giant map on walls around the park, where visitors can quickly glance at the map to figure out where they're going.

Although SeaWorld has signs at every corner pointing to where you can find rides and shows, it's always helpful to see the big picture rather than just one area.
15. Feed the Animals
There are different animals that you'll have the privilege to feed in the park at an additional cost including sting rays, dolphins & sea lions.
Here we'll cover one of our favorites.
Stingray Lagoon

Petting the Stingrays
You are able to 'pet' the stingrays as they swim by and even feed them.
Here's how it works.
You will head to one of the sinks to wash your hands and then you can head to the lagoon to pet the stingrays. The stingrays will be swimming around in packs or alone.
Most people don't know what to expect them to feel like, but we can say that their skin will feel buttery and smooth, so definitely prepare yourself for that!
Feeding the Stingrays
If you want to spend an additional few bucks, you can head to the window and purchase frozen fish that you'll be able use to feed them.
The mouth of these water pancakes are located on the bottom.
Due to this unlike most other animals, you'll want to put your hand in the water, and hold the fish as the stingray will swim over it.
It will feel like a vacuum is going over your hand, but fear not it will be perfectly safe.
16. Bring a Jacket for Empire of the Penguin
Empire of the Penguin can get a little chilly as you'll be able to see five different species of penguins as well as their colony.

And whatever you do, don't go in there after just having gotten wet!
17. Take a Picture of the Row That You Parked in
Picture this: You've just had an amazing day at the park and then you head back to your car and realize...
You don't remember where you parked.
So then you spend the next 20 minutes going row by row trying to figure it out and by the time you find your car, you're frustrated and forgot about the great experience you've had all day.
You Can Avoid That Scenario by
Just taking a picture of the row after you've parked! SeaWorld has unique signs on each row where as long as you take a picture, you'll easily be able identify where your car is located after a long day at the park.
18. It Might be Hard to Send Pictures Inside the Park
On the busiest days at the park, the large crowds can at times give you some issues when you're trying to send selfies back to mom and dad or your friends.
Texting usually isn't a problem but sending messages that use large amounts of data such as pictures or videos can give you the "failed to send" message.
The best way to get around this is by connecting to wifi while you take a break and eat at a restaurant, and then sending all images and videos at once (downside to this is it could drain your battery).
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