Georgia Aquarium Bag Policy | Simply Explained
When visiting the Georgia Aquarium with your family you'll undoubtedly have some essentials to pack.
From diapers to a change of clothes, medication, and even some snacks, there are plenty of things you might need to bring with you, but are they allowed at the Georgia Aquarium?
In this Georgia Aquarium Guide, we'll simplify all the details of the aquarium's bag policy!
Questions We'll Answer About The Georgia Aquarium Bag Policy:
- Is There A Bag Size Limitation At The Georgia Aquarium?
- Are Backpacks Allowed?
- Are There Any Rules On What You're Allowed To Bring Into The Aquarium?
- Is There A Bag Check?
- Is There Anywhere To Store Your Bag At The Georgia Aquarium?

Are There Any Bag Size Limitations at the Georgia Aquarium?
There are no size limitations regarding bags at the Georgia Aquarium.
However, we don't recommend bringing anything cumbersome to carry or so large that it might obstruct walkways or paths.
Most everyday bags are totally acceptable to bring into the Georgia Aquarium.
You will also find there are no limitations on the number of bags that a party can have with them when visiting the attraction.

Are Backpacks Allowed in the Georgia Aquarium?
You are allowed to take a backpack to the Georgia Aquarium!
Again, there are no restrictions on the size. Still, it's important to remember you'll be spending hours walking around the aquarium, so carrying an overly large backpack may not be comfortable.
But if that is what you want to do, the Georgia Aquarium is unlikely to stop you!

Are There Any Rules On What You're Allowed To Bring In Your Bag?
The Georgia Aquarium has just a few rules regarding prohibited items you won't be allowed to bring onto the property.
This rule includes weapons or illegal substances, and security is in place to prevent anyone trying to enter the aquarium with these items from doing so.
You also won't be allowed to bring food and drink into the aquarium aside from small snacks for kids or if you have a food allergy/medical need which requires you to bring your own food or drink.
If you wish to eat or drink while at the Georgia Aquarium, you must buy something at Cafe Aquaria.
You can, however, bring a refillable water bottle, and Georgia Aquarium has several refill points across the property.
Is There A Bag Check?
Security checkpoints do exist, and all guests must pass through a weapons detection screening before entering the Georiga Aqauiruma.
Sometimes, items that aren't weapons will set off these detection systems, which will require the aquarium security staff to check your bags as well manually.
It's important to remember that even if you don't set off these security systems, the Georgia Aquarium staff still has the right to search your belongings if they feel the need to do so and can only allow you entry into the property if you comply.
However, most visitors will not have their coats or bags checked, allowing for quick entry into the aquarium.
With only a few restrictions regarding their bag policy, the Georgia Aquarium has made it easy to carry all your essentials throughout the day with little issue.
Is There Anywhere to Store Your Bag at the Georgia Aquarium?
No lockers are available at the Georgia Aquarium, so you must always carry everything with you.
You also won't find a coat check at the Georiga Aquarium either.
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