What is the Typhoon Lagoon Rain Policy? | Simply Explained
When you're visiting a water park, rain is one of the few things that you can't control, that can still impact your experience.
In this page, we will go over the Typhoon Lagoon rain policy, if it closes when it rains, if they offer refunds and the pros and cons of going on a rainy day.
Does Typhoon Lagoon Close When it Rains?
Typhoon Lagoon does not close when it rains, in fact nothing changes as it is typical for Florida to drop in its famous afternoon showers. However, they can close due to severe thunderstorms (thunder and lightning approaching) that last throughout the day, but ultimately it is at the park's discretion.
If thunderstorms are nearby, they will temporarily suspend rides until the weather improves, and then resume rides when the weather clears up.
During this time visitors may be asked to evacuate ride areas, pools, and dining areas to seek shelter.
Does Typhoon Lagoon Offer Rain Checks?
If severe weather conditions continue and the park closes with less than 4 hours of attractions being open that day, visitors could possibly be eligible for a rain check.
You will have to double check with a Disney Cast Member before you leave the park.
This ticket allows visitors to return without purchasing an additional ticket. This perk allows you to shop with confidence knowing that you'll be able to experience the water park no matter what happens.
Getting a refund at any Disney theme park is uncommon, but getting a return ticket for another day is a much more possible outcome.
Know About iPhone Rain Notifications
If you're visiting a theme park, especially on a day that there's a chance of rain, you'll want to enable rain notifications.

We use this at almost every theme park that we visit, and it notifies us ahead of time when the rain is approaching, or when the rain is clearing up.
When we receive the notification that the rain is approaching, it gives us plenty of time to seek shelter, or find an indoor ride.
Rain is Stopping Notification
When we receive the notification that the rain is expected to clear up, we know that we can start heading over to rides very soon.

This small feature gives us a 'leg up' on everyone else on the park, as we're able to know what's going to happen a few minutes before everyone else.
Pros and Cons When it Rains at Typhoon Lagoon
Perks of Going on a Rainy Day
If you don't mind getting wet, lines will be minimal as most visitors will clear out of the park almost immediately.
This leads to incredibly short lines, and you'll easily be able to ride the same ride back to back.
Cons of Going on a Rainy Day
The downside however is that if thunderstorms begin forming, you're risking having to pause or possibly even end your trip.